Polskie konsorcjum UVSat

Polskie konsorcjum UVSat

Polskie konsorcjum ``UVSat‘‘ działa w oparciu o Umowę o Współpracy zawartą pomiedzy Creotech Instruments S.A., CBK PAN i CAMK PAN z dnia 11 kwietnia 2018 roku oraz w oparciu o porozumienie zawarte w dniu 12 czerwca 2018 roku ustanawiające Polskie Konsorcjum ``UVSat‘‘

Głównym zadaniem konsorcjum zgodnie z § 1 Cele i obszary merytoryczne działania Konsorcjum jest:

  1. Podstawowym celem działania Konsorcjum jest opracowanie dokumentacji projektowej, budowa, wystrzelenie i eksploatacja polskiego systemu satelitarnego UV UVSat.
  2. Obszarem merytorycznego działania Konsorcjum są satelitarne obserwacje z zakresu astronomii, astrofizyki i fizyki kosmosu.

Ground infrastructure

These are three large equipment projects: the SALT, H.E.S.S./CTA and SOLARIS telescopes The Southern African Large Telescope project - SALT involves participation in the construction and operation (NCAC) of the world's largest optical telescope with a diameter of 11m. Poland has a stake in the enterprise at the level of 10%. Total cost approx. USD 35 million (at prices of 1999). The H.E.S.S. and Cherenkov Telescope Array - CTA (NCAC) projects are sets of telescopes for recording Cherenkov radiation caused by gamma rays of the highest energy. The SOLARIS project (NCAC) is four automatic optical telescopes in the southern hemisphere (Australia, South Africa, Argentina). The goal of the project is to search for planets in double star systems and participate in the European SSA / SST project. Associated with this is NEOSTED - which will involve many terrestrial telescopes to detect dangerous objects close to the Earth. ESA finances the development of an automatic sky scanning system, as part of which Creotech is responsible for the recording camera (electronics and mechanics).

Satellite infrastructure

In this area, the undisputed leader is SRC PAS, which participated in a number of space missions (Integral, Herschel, CASSINI, ROSETTA). The most important of them is the BRITE-PL project - the construction and launch of two Polish astronomical satellites in cooperation with partners from Canada and Austria as part of the international constellation of six BRITE satellites. Both Polish satellites are fully functional and collect observational data regarding the observation of bright stars. Currently, the ATHENA (NCAC, SRC) project of the new generation of X-ray telescope accepted by ESA with the plan of launching into orbit in 2031 is currently in the implementation phase. Polish engineers from SRC will build elements of satellite astronomical instruments: the WFI detector and the mechanism of the X-IFU instrument. Another very important project is the RENESANS project (Creotech, SRC), which is to develop a universal satellite platform standard HyperSat MINI (abbreviated HSN or Hypercube) for the realization of space missions in a short time and at low cost, in particular for the construction of satellite constellations. A modular platform with sizes from 30x30x10 cm and a weight of 10 kg, to 30x30x60 cm and a weight of 60 kg, will be developed. As part of the work on the electronic part, all subsystems will be developed, among others: power subsystem, on-board computer, or communication subsystem. The main advantages of the platformwill be its modularity and repeatability. The observation of the Sun concerns PROBA 3, a project financed by ESA, carried out by a consortium whose leader is the Belgian CSL, and subcontractors are SRC and Creotech.

IT infrastructure

As part of the PLGrid Plus project, in cooperation with all astronomical centres (including NCAC, SRC), the field grid ASTROGRID-PL was created. The project was financed from the Operational Program Innovative Economy, the coordinator was the Academic Computer Centre CYFRONET AGH. Another is the EO Innovation Platform Testbed Poland ( Creotech - leader, CloudFerro and Brockmann Consult) which is a powerful repository of Earth observation data collected by satellites as part of the Landsat, Evisat, Sentinel and other missions. Scientific and commercial users have been provided with a database infrastructure and services and tools enabling the processing of satellite data. CDIAS is another project to build a platform (Creotech) to access and process satellite data. In addition to Creotech Instruments, the consortium also includes companies: Cloud Ferro, Sinergise, Geomatys, Eversis and WIZIPiSI. On the DIAS platform, not only satellite images are placed, but also data on the ionosphere and weather forecasts.

W skład konsorcjum wchodzą

W skład konsorcjum wchodzą

Centrum Astronomiczne
im. M. Kopernika PAN

Wiodący astronomiczny instytut naukowy.

Centrum Badań Kosmicznych PAN

40 letnie doświadcznie w naukowych misjach satelitarnych.

Creotech Instruments SA

Lider w zakresie technologii kosmicznych: platforma Hypersat.